I would like to thank everyone
who honored this site with Awards.
When I started
this site I never dreamed
it would be honored by so many
or touch so many peoples' hearts.
I started it out of a love for Briards
and will continue it for the same reasons.
Thank you everyone!

"One does not meet oneself until
one catches the reflection
from an eye other than human."

Loren Eiseley, American Anthropologist


Noble Friend, your presence in the house
Enriches more and more the home
You've come to grace.
In spirit gentle you would rouse
To higher plane the human sense
Of time and place.

In your day no taint of vain regret;
Each dew-drenched blade of grass
Bodes Life's eternal Spring,
Each morn in joy and gladness met
Accepting e'er Love's grand design
And His supernal offering.

Oh kingly head, your eyes aglow with lore
Of age, past and future,
Glorify a face
Cast in ebony and bronze, and more,
Twin-mantilla crowned in cascades
Silken, and akin to lace.

The inspiration of your presence kind
Breathes rapture in all lives
That feel your love's caress.
In humility and awe, our souls we find
Uplifted most, of all
You've come to bless.

Myra and Floyd Stevenson
Owned and manipulated by
Ch. Mon Ami Jean Phillipe, CD
A Briard of uncommon
Wisdom and perception.
(December 1979 Dew Claw)

I had the pleasure of knowing
"Phillipe" and Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson.
I do not think Mr. Stevenson
would mind me using this
as a tribute to "Phillipe"
a companion he loved so much

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