Pride and Prejudice Links

The Republic of Pemberley - the website for any true Jane Austen fan. Discuss all of Jane Austen's works on their message boards.

A&E's official website - contains the actor's perspecitives on their roles, and links to buy the movie.

The Pride and Prejudice Paradise - one of the most comprehensive websites dedicated to Pride and Prejudice. Be sure to read "You know you watch too much P&P when..." and "Did you notice?"

P&P on the imdb - read all the credits and see all the actor's filmographies here

The novel text - read the book online here

Hunsford - the home of Mr. and Mrs. Collins. There's lots of other information on the entire movie as well.

Pride and Prejudice Photo Album - a site with lots of pictures from The Making of Pride and Prejudice.

Susan's Pride and Prejudice Screensavers and Wallpapers - Just what the title says - really nice screensavers and wallpapers are here.

Pride and Prejudice Downloads - download the Pride and Prejudice desktop theme.

Whitney's Pride and Prejudice Page - a really well-designed website with info on other adaptations and other stuff.

If you have a Pride and Prejudice or Jane Austen Website and you'd like me to link to your site, please email me.

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