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T R O J A N bio
TROJAN (named after the reggae record label) born Gary Barnes: Painter, prostitute, model, former boyfriend
of film maker John Maybury and close friend and muse of Leigh Bowery. Together they shared a
garishly decorated council flat in Stepney, East London. Leigh & Trojan met in 1980 soon after Leigh
moved to London from Australia. Already a regular at Cha Cha's,
White Trash, Pink Panther & Asylum, Trojan & close
friend Space Princess introduced Leigh(who was 4 years older) to the London club scene and were
dubbed 'The three kings', beginning a six year friendship that encouraged various 'looks', including 'Pakis
from outer space' and 'Picasso face'. To out do Leigh, Trojan even hacked off half his ear for a
night out at  Taboo, daubing the severed lobe in lipstick.
His paintings graced gallery walls in London and Japan and his set designs (giant fried egg tress) formed
backdrops for dancer Michael Clark's innovative performances. An enthusiastic user of heroin,
Trojan died from an accidental overdose in 1986 aged 20 and
Boy George recorded the song 'Little Ghost' by MAX in his memory for his 'Sold' album in 1986.
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