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EB's List:

... Dressing up like THE KILLER BEES?

... The Midnight Movies?

... How about the time we made Yil an "acoustic bass" out of an old classical and took all our acoustic guitars down to the Midnight Underground Movies to perform "Southern Man" so we could get in for free?

... The "National City CHUP"...???

... The cowhorns on Wayne's VW MicroBus?

... Firesign Theatre OVERDOSES???

... The "Olympic Rings" on East Sierra?

... The "Name three presidents" scene in "What's Up, Tiger Lily?"

... William Scott Arthur Kidd's nickname, "MooseBreast"...?

... The "Clear-Out Song"...?

... The gig in Ensenada with NO hot water that we NEVER got paid for? ... And the guy trying to sell Keith his sister?

... Speaking of putting things where they don't belong, how about Buddy Smithey's famous maraca trick? Or Jack, and the M&M's???

... The wood-burned-in "DON'T F*** WITH DOUG" on one of the Leslies?

... Flying back from Muscle Shoals, when airport security took one look at Doug's spiffy strobe tuner and wouldn't let him past the gate, thinking it might be a bomb, causing Doug, Gerry, and I to miss the flight home?

...Wayne and I at "Earth," a club in PB, for a "Cold Blood" concert ("Monkey On My Back"), when Jerry Rainey (Glory, Beat Farmers), who was standing next to us along the back wall, starts shouting at their singer, Lydia Pense, who is in mid-song, "Show us yer tits!!!"...?

...Elvin Bishop pees on Co's foot in the restroom at The Golden Bear, in Huntington Beach...?


Wayne's List:

-Playing the Grand Funk song "Inside Looking Out" for inmates at a prison camp in the Laguna Mountains. They loved us!! (This was the 3 piece Generations)

-The Midnight Ride

-The Midnight Record Review

-Playing at the "Midnight Underground Movies" in PB, to get in free. "Conceptual Artist" Lou Sanders meets us there to play violin with us. Greg asks Lou "What key?" Lou says "Key 3!"
(Sad note: Lou was onboard the Korean Airlines jet that was shot down by a Russian MIG many years ago)

-John Brown bites the lid of the Baldwin Grand Piano in the recital room at Southwestern College leaving a beautiful dental impression for decades to come! (This has to be one of my all time favorite Tacoma events! WAY TO GO JB!!!)

-Ledbetter's...... No place in the world like it!

-JB nearly starts a riot in Club 21 at Camp Pendleton during his monologue while playing "Soul Kitchen". During the song, JB also enlightens us all with his daily, after school routine!

-Watching and hearing "Glory" play at Pleasure. WHAT A BAND!!!

-Realizing that Pleasure was right next to the restaurant that Tom Waits worked at when he wrote the songs for his album "Heart of a Saturday Night." A classic (IMO).

-One Night at Pleasure, Frank Zappa gets up and dances to a Tacoma original, "Song #5". (Could this have been the inspiration for the song "Dancin' Fool"?)

-Meeting Frank Zappa a week or so later at Arby's on Sunset Blvd. John and Doug go up to him and say "We don't want to bother you while you're eating...." and Frank says "Then don't!" We chat with him and some of his band members for a while, we say goodbye and load ourselves up into the van to leave and I say, "Damnit, I'm gonna go and ask him if we can watch his rehearsal!" (His band was rehearsing nextdoor at Golden State Recorders) I go back into Arby's and ask Frank if we could come and watch for little while. Frank immediately begins choking on his roast beef sandwich, (visions of Mama Cass flash into my brain.....could I be???? NAAAHHHH!) Frank recovers and says "Ahh....(cough...cough) ...I think I'd prefer to keep it 'top secret'!" I thank him and slither back into the van.

-Doug does a backflip off the stage at Pleasure, WITH his guitar on!

-Doug blows fire from his mouth while we play "Smoke On The Water." Club owners panic!

-On Greg's miniature Sony TV, we watch Nixon resign as we camp out in the big bread truck in front of the Whitney's house. Whoopee!

-"Whatchoo goane do naow, Ray-Ray??"

-Co disappears after a fraternity gig at State College when he feels responsible for flipping the B-3 over when he was part of the "B-Team"!

-At the very same fraternity gig, Wayne has another one of his "brilliant ideas" and coaxes JB to stage a fake fight with him during JB's Soul Kitchen monologue. We were both giggling while wrestling about, but the drunk fraternity brothers in the audience thought it was real. It could have gotten out of control, but luckily, it didn't. VERY DUMB THING TO DO! Way to go, Wayne!

-Yil hits a horse on the freeway, with his little Datsun 240Z, on the way home from a Camp Pendleton gig. Yil survives, the horse did not. (".....and there's hamburger all over the highway in Mystic, Connecticut." - Firesign Theatre)

-Artie Ripp briefly considers Tacoma as Billy Joel's new backup band. Around this same time, Billy Joel disappears from Artie's contractual grasp (he thinks) to play, incognito, in a piano bar in downtown LA for a year (this is where song "Piano Man" came from). Who knows what could have been?

-Birds fly out of Joe Harrelson's ass during one of my songs! REALLY!!!

-SIR Rehearsal Studios, LA. At a proposed audition for Mike Curb (who doesn't show up), producer Michael Lloyd brings Kim Fowley (who wants us to wear Nazi space suits) and Steppenwolf's Mars Bonfire (the composer of "Born To Be Wild") to see if we have what it takes to make it big. Guess we didn't!


JB's Memorable Moments:

"She Used to Dance" with Kenny What's-His-Name [Lehnig] and the Funky Factory.

Being ready to play back-up for the Whitneys (although it didn't happen) at a benefit for the American Negro College Foundation after watching the Ali-Forman fight on a big-screen television at the Beverly Hilton.

The Queen Bee.

After my Yamaha flute was stolen at a military base [gig] in 1975, Yil lent me a comparable rental flute from The Music Store, which we never returned. Still got it. Thanks, Yil.

Doing homework during the breaks at Park Place; studying for finals during the sets.

Acoustic recordings with Martie Farrell on flute and Jack Wride on vibes and orchestra bells.

Kim What's-His-Name [Fowley] of "Nutrocker" fame - going to dress us up in Nazi uniforms, call us "The Young Lions," and make us stars. Finding his album in the "dollar bin" a month later and having a good laugh.


The Yil Remembers:

At a special assembly at Bonita High School, a captive and seated audience laughs uncontrollably as my voice decides to yodel out the final, "Come on baby light my FI(crack)AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

Wayne falls asleep - and off his drum throne! - mid-song, during one of the all night gigs at Pleasure in National City.


Rob Remembers:

"I want to play the drummer" - one of the [only] three women that showed up at the Ensenada gig, talking about Keith...

You MUST remember SOMETHING!?! To share it, e-mail us!

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